I've been WAITING and WAITING for this bento box to arrive from Japan....I purchased it from the online store Jlist and although it took a while to get here ( blue was back ordered initially and then the 10 day delivery from Japan), it was worth the wait when I showed Grant and he said
"A LEGO box for my lunch! Sonya (his teacher) is going to love it".
It's a two layer box: On the bottom layer today, I packed him Mac 'n Cheese muffin from The Sneaky Chef which I had kept frozen in our deep freeze since the last time I made them, edamame, and chicken apple sausage from Trader Joes (on "swords" that I also bought from Jlist)
Here's a pic of the chicken apple sausage from Trader Joes (did I mention that I went into the store ONLY to buy an $8.00 pack of EmergenC and came out $150.00 later?) Grant and Gwen both love these--and convenient for moms because they are already pre-cooked--I just warm them up a bit in some EVOO in the morning before I pack lunches...nice change up from the turkey meatballs I often send.
On the top layer of the box: clementines, goldfish snacks, and watermelon
And of course, his favorite: Vanilla Almond Milk in his new personalized Star Wars kanteen from Pottery Barn Kids
But this new school lunch look would not be complete without his new personalized lunchbox (also from PB kids):
I also bought a few more items from Pottery Barn, but I better save them for another post!
JList is addicting! There are a couple of bentos I am going to buy for Sophia!